Proven Ways of Treating Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are tiny insects with a flat body and may appear to have a brownish color. Unlike other small insects, they have no wings but do have mouth parts that they use in sucking blood. Treating for bed bugs is easy when you know how to distinguish them from other insects and also be aware of their hiding places.
Once the bugs bite to suck blood, they usually introduce their saliva which mixes with the blood of the person. As a result, the person will scratch at a particular spot since the skin will have been irritated by the sucking insect. The scratching is very strong and will cause the skin to swell and it can be painful.
To know if the bugs have invaded your house, normally you notice you have been bitten and you scratch a lot at the spot. There may even be traces of some blood on your bed sheet. When you check on some corners of your mattress you may notice that they have left their laid eggs there and some of their waste products.
When it comes to eliminating the bugs, you need to be quite observant in noticing these small details, which will eventually lead you to find their hiding places. Careful observation will lead you from one place to another. You may begin by checking out your mattress and especially on torn areas. Proceed into checking the bed stands and corners, and rest assured you will find them hiding there.
Apart from the bed and the mattress, the bugs like to hide beneath your carpet where they comfortably leave their laid eggs. They also dwell on your folded clothes, inside your wardrobe, and even around your house. Again, if you are keen you will notice their presence there.
After you are very sure the bugs are present, the next thing to do is to find ways of eliminating them completely. For this, you will not only need to have a recommended insecticide for killing the bugs, but also you need to be armed with warm water, a vacuum cleaner, and some other tools. Begin by removing the mattress from the bed, and work seriously on it first. Try to separate the bed into parts by undoing the areas joined together. For this, you may need to have tools like screwdrivers to undo the fastening. Put the bed stand aside, check out those holes and also look around for any visible cracks on the stand. Using the insecticide, spray on those holes and cracks thoroughly.
When the bugs are on the mattress, it is hard to completely get rid of them since they most certainly have laid so many eggs in different areas of the mattress. Therefore, it is best to take the mattress outside and burn it. You may sprinkle some paraffin just to make sure it burns down completely. To effectively do away with the eggs of the bug, take a brush and sprinkle the insecticide on it. Like one doing some painting, use that brush to do the same on the eggs. After you are done spraying all areas, take other infected items like clothes and curtains and dip them in extremely hot water. For items that are not possible to be washed, take them out and lay them to dry in the hot sun. Other items infected but not useful can always be burnt.
Using your vacuum cleaner, vacuum the carpet, furniture, and walls. In fact, you can practically vacuum the whole house so as to eliminate any eggs that have been left by the bugs. If you also have containers around, check inside for any visible signs of the bugs. If found either take the container out and clean it or if not needed just discard it too. For cracks in walls and other areas, you should find a way of filling them up or if you have the necessary tools you may try to fix them.
In as much as the bed bugs do not spread diseases, their presence alone is very annoying. When you consider the damage they do to your skin, causing all the itchiness that at times may result in wounds, it is important that you follow the above in treating bed bugs. If at times you find it a bit hard for you, always engage the services of an expert to help you eliminate the bugs completely.